MCA of NM Workers’ Compensation Group Fund
About us.
Our decades of experience in providing coverage for the mechanical industry allows us to provide a personal touch makes the workers’ compensation experience more transparent and understandable.
This gives member companies better control over their claims, losses, and safety programs to keep future insurance premium costs down; while protecting your companies most important asset—your employees.
Our experienced team works with members to implement successful safety standards and programs that assist in keeping future insurance premium costs down and makes for a more productive workplace.
As a self-insured fund, we dedicated personalized attention to claims ensuring prompt delivery of entitled benefits and their fair allocation, while maintaining proper loss control.
Member Services.
Members receive significant discounts on safety services, incentives, and personal protective equipment.
Be sure to check out our MCA Worker Database, which allows you to work safer on the job site with training records at fingertips, monitor your workforce’s safety activity, and view a full training history at any time from anywhere you need it.
Interested in Learning More?
Contact the MCA of NM Workers’ Compensation Group Fund to receive more information about the Fund—including, eligibility, member services, rates, and more!